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        SET MBU=<controfile> [<color>]

           To be able to run MBUTIL from any directory, you can use the MBU
     environment variable. If  MBUTIL can't find MBUTIL.CTL  in the current
     path, it will try the open the filename set with MBU. This can also be
     useful for people having  more than one message base, who  can use SET
     to select from their batch file which control file should be used.

           <color> is optional and is the default text color, which is also
     used  if  the  control file  was  found  in the  current  path.  It is
     calculated as follows:

        <foreground color> + (16 * <background color>)


        0    Black                4    Red
        1    Blue                 5    Magenta
        2    Green                6    Yellow
        3    Cyan                 7    White

           Add 8 for highlighted foreground colors. <color> is 7 by default
     (White text on a Black background).



This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson